Printed corzetti ( "cruxetti") appear in the Middle Ages, during the Renaissance. The noble families of the time it seems they ordered their cooks to create a type of pasta, which would contain its own coat of arms, all with the aim to remind diners of the importance of their family and to reassert its rule over the territory.
The incisions were usually different on the two sides. The name comes from the image of a stylized small cross, a cross ( "cruxetta") with which it was originally decorated one side of these medallions, hence the name "cruxettu". In eastern Liguria, with the word "corzetto" it means both the mold the dough so engraved.
Technically the corzetto mold appears as an object timber. E 'consists of two parts: one that has the function of stamp and handle, the other of cylindrical shape with a part for the second engraved stamp and a concave part that is used to cut the dough and create the medallion. The latter is placed between the two parts and pressed to obtain in both sides of the engraved decoration in the wood. The essence of a kind commonly used are: pear, beech or olive (which makes the tool more elegant).
Are handmade tomes of mechanical and engraved by hand one by one and made to order according to the need of customization. The request of customization is usually made by individuals, businesses, cooking schools, and risotratori chef to give a touch of uniqueness to their pasta dishes also in decoration.
ingredients for 4 people
with sauces or gravies at will marry very well with Genoese pesto and pine nut sauce
fresh pasta dough
4 ounces of flour type 00
4 eggs
Salt: to taste
White wine (one drop)